I am a young "programmer" that is actively looking into understanding and learning more about computers. In the last 2 months I enrolled on Wellcode, a Romanian platform that teaches you to code from scratch, I quit because I could not afford their services anymore. In the time I was with them I managed to solve alone 75 problems ex: Finding a number in the fibbonaci sequence, mirroring a number etc. but I did not have time to delve into more advanced topics. By the time I was out of the platform I managed to touch a bit on the arrays. Because I do not know of any website that could teach me in a structured manner the basics of programming, can you pinpoint me to an website that can teach me the basics using lessons and problems I can solve? It will be much appreciated, please do keep in mind the programming language does not matter, I just need to understand the concepts behind like recursion, oop, how to work with matrices etc. Thank you in advance for your kind help.
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