dimanche 29 décembre 2019

How do I avoid redirection after Ajax failed request?

I have the following Ajax request that is supposed to retrieve some data to insert inside a div:

    url: "work/mywork.php",
    data: { data_string: JSON.stringify({pages_count: 2, page: 1}) },
    method: "GET",
    complete: function (response) {
        pages_count = 2;
        low_end = 0;
        high_end = 1;
    error: function(jqHXR,textStatus,errorThrown){

But if it somehow fails to retrieve such data, it redirects me to work/mywork.php. I believe it has something to do with headers, but I don't know how to avoid such header being set or if It's something completly different.

I would appreciate some insight on this, I've already search the web for about 2 days and I coulnd't find anything usefull.

Thanks in advance.

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