The code below is repository
value = "select min(id) as id, coalesce (sum(case when points > 0 then points end), 0) as points, userid" +
" from books" +
" where userid = ?1" +
" group by userid", nativeQuery = true
JamInfo findPlus(Long userid);
value = "select min(id) as id, coalesce(sum(case when points < 0 then points*-1 end),0)as points, userid" +
" from books" +
" where userid = ?1" +
" group by userid", nativeQuery = true
JamInfo findMinus(Long userid);
The code below is controller
JamInfo jamplus = jamInfoRepository.findPlus(id);
JamInfo jamminus = jamInfoRepository.findMinus(id);
model.addAttribute("jamplus", jamplus);
model.addAttribute("jamminus", jamminus);
If you print it like this, it will be unified with the value of jamplus written first. How can the two values be output differently?
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