samedi 28 décembre 2019

Tomcat Servlet, added a new image into /web/images folder, but /out/artifacts folder not updated when redeployed

I was trying to put a new image onto my jsp page, so I added a new image into the /web/images/ folder:anran-profile.png is the image added, and the image path is supposed to be used by a jsp. However, after I redeployed the servlet, the image did not show up, and when I checked the /out/artifacts/images/ folder, I found that the image was not in there either. the profile.jpg was an old image, and anran-profile.png did not appear here after redeployed. If I manually copy and paste anran-profile.png into /out/artifacts/images folder, the image shows up successfully. This seems to mean the browser is looking at the right place but the servlet did not put up the required image in time. Can anyone tell me why the redeploy did not update the images folder, and how can I solve it?

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