dimanche 29 mars 2020

How to fix "if statements" in "return part" of class component in React Js?

I am new to react. I want to return components on the basis of multiple conditions. But in this code in return section if statements are not working and I'm getting error. How can I fix that?

    render() {
        const filteredXpGreater = this.state.peoples.filter(person => {
            return person.randomXp > 3;
        const filteredXpLess = this.state.peoples.filter(person => {
            return person.randomXp <= 3;
        return (
            if (this.state.filterField.includes("Above 3 Years of Experience")) {
                <div className='App'>
                <Filter radioSelected1={this.onRadioSelected1} radioSelected2={this.onRadioSelected2} checkedMale={this.onCheckedMale} checkedFemale={this.onCheckedFemale} />
                <Cardlist data={filteredXpGreater} />
            } else if (this.state.filterField.includes("Above 3 Years of Experience") {
                <div className='App'>
                <Filter radioSelected1={this.onRadioSelected1} radioSelected2={this.onRadioSelected2} checkedMale={this.onCheckedMale} checkedFemale={this.onCheckedFemale} />
                <Cardlist data={filteredXpLess} />
            } else {
                <div className='App'>
                <Filter radioSelected1={this.onRadioSelected1} radioSelected2={this.onRadioSelected2} checkedMale={this.onCheckedMale} checkedFemale={this.onCheckedFemale} />
                <Cardlist data={this.state.peoples} />

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