jeudi 25 février 2016

Skycons not showing up

I'm creating a basic weather app. It gets the weather data from the open weather API and then displays the temperature and location. I found SKYCONS and thought they would be a nice and easy way to add icons to my app. However, they won't show up.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"/>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="Script.js"></script>

    <div class="col-xs-12 text-center">
        <h1>Weather App</h1>
        <div class="container">
            <h3><span id = "city">{City here}</span><span id = "country">{Country here}</span></h3>
            <h1><span id = "temperature">{Temperature here}</span><span id="unit">&#8457</span></h1>
            <h2><span id = "weather">{Weather here}</span></h2>
            <p class = "text"></p>
            <figure id = "icon"><canvas id="partly-cloudy-night" width="175" height="175"></canvas></figure>

Here is the script:


    // gets user's location; shows Earth weather if location cannot be accessed
    var longitude = 0;
    var latitude = 0;
    if (navigator.geolocation) {
        navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
            latitude = Math.floor(position.coords.latitude);
            longitude = Math.floor(position.coords.longitude);

    $.getJSON("" + latitude + "&lon=" + longitude + "&appid=44db6a862fba0b067b1930da0d769e98", function(json){

        // gets data from json
        $("#country").html(", " +;
        var weather =[0].main;
        var tempInKelvin = parseFloat(json.main.temp);
        var tempInCelsius = Math.round((tempInKelvin - 273.15)*10)/10;
        var tempInFahrenheit = tempInCelsius + 32;
        $("#temperature").html(tempInFahrenheit); // shows temperature in Fahrenheit by default

        // switches between Fahrenheit and Celsius when clicked
        var iterator = 1; // because .toggle() was deprecated in jQuery 1.9
        $("#unit").on("click", function(){
            if (iterator % 2 == 1) { 
                $("#unit").html("&#8451"); // change to Celsius
            } else {
                $("#unit").html("&#8457"); // change back to Fahrenheit

        // Changes background according to time of day
        var time = new Date();
        time = time.getHours();
        var color =  "";
        if (time >= 19 || time <= 4) {
            color = "#283048";
        } else if (time >= 17) {
            color = "#F0CB35";
        } else if (time >= 7) {
            color = "#C02425";
        } else {
            color = "#FF512F";

        $("body").css("background-color", color);

        // adds icon, depending on time and weather
        var icons = new Skycons({"color": "red"});
        var htmlToAdd = '';
        switch (weather.toLowerCase()) {
            case "clouds":
                if (time >= 19 || time <= 4) {
                    htmlToAdd = '<canvas id="partly-cloudy-night" width="175" height="175"></canvas>';
                    icons.set("partly-cloudy-night", Skycons.PARTLY_CLOUDY_NIGHT);
                } else {
                    htmlToAdd = '<canvas id="cloudy" width="175" height="175"></canvas>';
                    icons.set("cloudy", Skycons.CLOUDY);
            case "rain":
                htmlToAdd = '<canvas id="rain" width="175" height="175"></canvas>';
                icons.set("rain", Skycons.RAIN);
            case "snow":
                htmlToAdd = '<canvas id="snow" width="175" height="175"></canvas>';
                icons.set("snow", Skycons.SNOW);
            case "clear":
                if (time >= 19 || time <= 4) {
                    htmlToAdd = '<canvas id="clear-night" width="175" height="175"></canvas>';
                    icons.set("clear-night", Skycons.CLEAR_NIGHT);
                } else {
                    htmlToAdd = '<canvas id="clear-day" width="175" height="175"></canvas>';
                    icons.set("clear-day", Skycons.CLEAR_DAY);
                htmlToAdd = '<canvas id="rain" width="175" height="175"></canvas>';
                icons.set("rain", Skycons.RAIN);


And yes, I know I'm doing everything inside the getJSON, but I didn't know how to store json values to global variables without getJSON's asynchronous way of functioning getting in the way.

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