dimanche 27 mars 2016

Using Intellij IDEA Ultimate for static web site development

I'm trying to use Intellij IDEA Ultimate for developing static (no dynamic pages - plain HTML + javascript) web site. Currently I'm using Tomcat as a local server and tomcat plugin for IDEA. Actually, the site later will have RESTful layer, which will be deployed to google-app-engine, but currently I'd like to fully focus on the client-side.

I have the following project directory structure:

--+ src
  |--+ main     
  |  |--+ webapp
  |  |  |--+ js
  |  |  |--+ css
  |  |  |--+ html
  |  |  |--- index.html

My main requirement for such development - is to immediately see the changes I make in html/js/css without the need for rebuilding the project. For this purpose believe I need to configure somehow the run configuration for tomcat being looking directly into webapp directory (and not exploded war directory). Is there such way? I'm fully open for other options for local server rather than Tomcat, which might be simpler for this purpose and which can run in Windows

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