mardi 29 mars 2016

Angular-pdf-viewer not working after grunt build

I'm using angular-pdf-viewer (sorry I cannot put more than 2 links, you'll find it here : to view a PDF in my angular website. It works perfectly on my local server but fails after "grunt build" and copying the dist folder on my server.

Here is my github :

Here is what grunt build tells me :

It is not a problem about the URL toward the document since the download button works.

I've been playing with my Gruntfile for hours and I can't make things right. I started my project with yeoman, installed bower components using the ""--save"" option, so it should work properly.

I'm a bit in a hurry since some hackers hacked the old website this afternoon before I finished this one. I was given an obsolete website.

Thanks a lot !

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