mercredi 30 mars 2016

Why can't I target the complement of my goal in Optimizely?

Optimizely's Sample Size calculator shows, that a higher baseline conversion rate leads to a smaller required sample size for an A/B-test. So, instead of maximizing my conversion goal, I'd like to minimize the opposite, i.e. not reaching the goal.
For every goal with a conversion rate less than 50%, its complement would be higher than 50% and would thus require a smaller sample size if targeted.

An example: instead of measuring all users that visit payment-success.html, I'd rather measure all users that don't visit it, and try minimizing that. Which would usually require a lot smaller sample size if my reasoning is correct!

Optimizely only lets me target pageviews as goals, not not-pageviewing.
I realize I'm probably missing or misunderstanding something important here, but if so, what is it?

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