mardi 29 mars 2016

ivh-treeview disable the checkbox for the first node

I am using the IVHTREEVIEW in one of our application. Our treeview is something like below, + click + to see all items in list Item Item1.1 Item2 Item2.2 We display the checkbox for each item. For the enduser a checkbox for the first node 'Click + to see all Items in list' doesn't make sense in our business. I need to disable or hide the CHECKBOX only for that node( 'Click + to see all Items in list'). How can I do this. I tried to use 'useCheckboxes' and set it to false, in the below function of ivh-treeview.js. But it is not working. Can you tell me how we can achieve this. trvw.label = function(node) { trvw.label = function(node) { if(node[localOpts.labelAttribute] == "Click + to see all Items in list"){ node[localOpts.useCheckboxes] = false; } return node[localOpts.labelAttribute];};

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