jeudi 31 mars 2016

mina 2.0.13 + websocket + buffer.capacity

Background: I am sending data by mina web socket ( which is already patched the buf issue..

I used to send the json message through the web socket around 50 bytes.. sometimes, it will goes up to 70 bytes...

The problem is: at initial, the IOBuffer.capacity() is 2048 --> 2048 --> 1024 --> 1024 -> 512 -> 512 -> 256 -> 256 -> 128 -> 128 -> 64 -> 64 -> 64 -> 64

If the json message becomes 70 bytes. It will split into two message in messageReceived(IoSession session, Object message). Is there any way that i can solve this problem.

I can store the incomplete message, but it will raise another issue such as 2 json messages or 1 valid json message with 1 invalid json message.


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