lundi 28 mars 2016

what is Naming standard?

In HTML (ID) CSS (picture) The use of zt- digital -gt-. ZT is in the HTML page layout of the first few blocks. The GT is on a page in the first few blocks. Here is another content if you want to use can not see Block according to the ranking of div from left to right, from top to bottom. (ZT is a general GT is the first letter of individual Pinyin initials.) Accelerate the pace of development because of the insert picture in HTML you can block input. Only need to copy and paste and then change the number. If you are using a hbuilder (a quick text editor) at the time of insertion and modification will be more convenient To speed up the maintenance of the software is because developers do not have to look for a headache for the name of the content of the. As long as you follow the o o standard. We all understand. The class in HTML uses c- (the style you want) - (number) Reproduced please indicate the source and author

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