samedi 21 avril 2018

What does this code mean? Does it explain why I am blocked from this portal?

Can somebody please tell me what this means, and why it prevents access to sites? I am attempting to research Western Union and its founders, Hiram Sibley and Jeptha Wade.

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<div class="page-content"><div class="pagetitle">Ask A Librarian Error</div><div class="core-separator"></div><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
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<td height="20" class="contentlisttop">Ask A Librarian Error:</td>
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<p>An error has occured while putting your question into the database.<br>There is a problem with the Question form that was submitted.  Your question has not been sent.  Please contact your library staff for help in resolving this problem.<p>
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