I have been working on Seaside 3.1 for a couple of days and I'm trying to design a simple TicTacToe with Ajax.
It works great without ajax with this code:
renderContentOn: html
html heading: 'Tictactoe'.
form: [
1 to: 3 do: [ :row |
1 to: 3 do: [ :col |
html imageButton
url: (tictactoe imageCase: row * 10 + col);
callback: [ tictactoe playsX: row playsY: col ] ].
html break ] ]
and with ajax it doesn't work at all, though the page doesn't refresh as expected. The imageButton never changes for a simple image with another url.
The goal is just to swap the imageButton for an image with another url when I click on it.
Here's where I am with my code:
renderContentOn: html
html heading: 'Tictactoe'.
1 to: 3 do: [ :row |
1 to: 3 do: [ :col |
html imageButton
url: (tictactoe imageCase: row * 10 + col);
id: 'case' , row asString , col asString;
(html scriptaculous updater
id: 'case' , row asString , col asString;
callback: [ :r |
morpion playsX: row playsY: col.
r render: (html image url: (tictactoe imageCase: row * 10 + col)) ];
return: false) ].
html break ]
I am new and not very good with this technology, therefore I am ready to hear any answer, advice or guidance.
I would like to thank you in advance, have a good day.
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