mercredi 30 septembre 2015

Can't get file with thumbnail from Vimeo

I'm creating a portfolio page where the user uploads images or informs a video URL from Youtube or Vimeo.

When the user informs a Vimeo URL i do the following steps:

1- Get the XML file from "]"

2- Get the "video_id" property from the file, with the video id (i can open the video in the browser with "[video_id]", for instance)

3- Generate the embed video URL from the video id, just doing "[video_id]"

4- Get the XML file from ""

5- Get the "thumbnail_medium" property from the file, with the video thumbnail


When i try, for instance, with the video "" i do:

1- Get the XML file from "" - OK

2- Get the "video_id" property from the file - OK - Returns "130537730" (the video "" works fine)

3- Generate the embed video URL from the video id: "" - OK - Works fine

4- Get the XML file from "" - OK

5- Get the "thumbnail_medium" property from the file - OK - Returns ""


If i try it with the video with the URL "" (it's a trailer) i do:

1- Get the XML file from "" - OK

2- Get the "video_id" property from the file - OK - Returns "134429740" (the video "" works fine)

3- Generate the embed video URL from the video id: "" - OK - Works fine

4- Get the XML file from "" - ERROR - I don't get the file

Workaround (I don't think it's a good alternative):

The XML file from "" have a "thumbnail_url" property that returns a video thumbnail, and i got "", but I wanted a smaller image for thumbnail.

Based on the thumbnail of the first video I manually changed the thumbnail of the second video to "" and it worked fine, but I don't think that this is a good approach and I don't know if this will work in all cases.

I don't know if i did something wrong, or if there's a better approach, or if this occurs because the video is a trailer, but i think this is a weird behaviour because everything else works fine.

I also tried with the video "" (it's not a trailer) and it worked fine, but with the video "" (it's a trailer) the same error occured, so i think this error will happen with trailers.

I tried with other types than XML but i still didn't get the file.

Any suggestion?

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