mercredi 24 novembre 2021

Component of web-aware scopes are not created during app initialization

I'm using springBootVersion = '2.5.4' and trying to autowire the following component:

public class TokenDecodingService {
   HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest;
/* Some logic with request */

into my controller

//@RequiredArgsConstructor(onConstructor_ = @Autowired)
public class DrupalEnhancedController {

    TokenDecodingService tokenDecodingService;



During debugging I see that I get No Scope registered for scope name 'request' exception. The same problem goes for each web-aware scope.

First, I thought that I was using the wrong application context, but I've figured out that I'm using AnnotationConfigReactiveWebServerApplicationContext and this context should accept web-aware scopes of beans/components.

Also I tried to define this logic inside a bean like this:

    public TokenDecodingService tokenDecodingService() {
        return new TokenDecodingService();

and tried to define context listener manually:

public RequestContextListener requestContextListener(){
    return new RequestContextListener();

But unfortunatelly I didn't make any progress this way. I think that the root cause here is the absence of web-aware contexts, so how can I enable them?

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