mardi 30 novembre 2021

Python use API to get data

I am kind of stucked in trying to solve following issue: I try to access a web-page in order to get some data for a supplier (need to do it for work) in an automated way, using an api

The API is called and shall provide information stored in json for supplier which can be found over their tax ID.

I use the request package and I am able to manage to get positive response:

import requests
print(response) --> Response [200]

If I click on the link and scroll until I find the specific part for the tax information, I find the following line

GET /api/search/nip/{nip}

So what I did is to add this line into my response variable, since this is how I understood it - and there is the point where I think I am wrong


However, I cannot access it. Am I doing something wrong - I do believe yes - and can anyone give me a little help :)

Update: If I check the requirements / documentation I find following information where I need a bit support to implement it

GET /api/search/nip/{nip}

Single entity search by nip

**Path parameters**
nip (required)
*Path Parameter — Nip*

**Query parameters**
date (required)
*Query Parameter — format: date*

**Return type**
Example data
Content-Type: application/json

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