samedi 27 novembre 2021

TLS updating query?

Good morning, I am writing to you hoping to get some assistance regarding issues raised when attempting to publish a personal website. I am using an old but trusty website creation app named WebPageMaker, it is no longer supported and I am unable to find any assistance for it...I have used it for a number of years and am reluctant to dump it. With no changes made in the publishing details window I now find I can no longer publish to WPM, in trying I get the following message:

421-Sorry, cleartext sessions and weak ciphers are not accepted on this server. < 421 Please reconnect using TLS security mechanisms. Unable to establish a connection to server: Publishing Failed !

In attempting to correct I have made a number of changes in Control Panel/ Internet options/security/advanced to the TLS settings but nothing I do makes a difference.

Would you be able to shed any light on it and offer any suggestions as to a fix? I must point out that I am a little 'technology challenged' :)

Kind Regards,

Paul, Australia.

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