lundi 28 décembre 2020

react native android app to react native web app

I am trying to convert my react-native android app into a react-native web app. While doing this I got an error in @react-native-picker\picker.

Failed to compile ./node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/js/Picker.web.js SyntaxError: C:\Users\User\Desktop\react-native\TestProject\node_modules@react-native-picker\picker\js\Picker.web.js: Unexpected token (9:12)

   7 | 
   8 | import React from 'react';
>  9 | import type {
     |             ^
  10 |   ViewStyleProp,
  11 |   TextStyleProp,
  12 | } from 'react-native/Libraries/StyleSheet/StyleSheet';

how can i resolve this issue?

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