mardi 29 décembre 2020

Is there a possible chance to download an embedded video from a Website which has its controlslist="nodownload"?

The Problem im facing right now, is that I want to download a Video from a Website. Thsi Website has an Account protection (Thats means that online converters do not have any permissions). Furthermore the embedded Html Video has the controlslist set to no download. I do not know if this was a reasonable try but I inspected and changed it to download. Now there was a possible downlaod button but I only could downlaod the whole html file of the website - without video. After that I tried to grab the URl of the video since the html player was not useable for a downlaod and I cant right-click. I checked on inspecting again and found through the Network Media Filter Option the Video URL. That is what i think- it leads to some server that I have no permissions for to look into if I go back in the path. example path server/data/videos/example.mp4 Now if I try to just insert the Video Url into the search bar it just sends me back to the Home site of the website. Seems like a securtiy system. So now im a bit Stuck and im not a pro programmer. Just a regular pc guy. Maybe you can help me a bit ;D

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