mercredi 28 février 2018

Retrieving inaccessible .zip file download from site (maybe use wget)

Here is a link to the site:

I don't even know if the .zip file I want is hosted on the servers. So figuring that out would be the 1st step.

To download the .zip file, the page says I first have to "click the ad below" (the add that would presumably appear in the empty white box). Since the site is defunct and no longer has active ads, there is no ad to click on in order to activate the download of the file.

I tried searching the page source for the word zip to no avail.

I tried the command posted in this answer to no avail:

wget -r -l1 -H -t1 -nd -N -np -erobots=off

Perhaps I could recursively comb an archive of the entire web site for all .zip files somehow? Similar to what's asked in this post? I would love some assistance in doing so.

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