lundi 29 mai 2017

Muted video doesnt show volume controls on Android internet browser

I have a simple video on a home page and it works perfect across chrome, safari, etc. It is muted but user can unmute or increase volume themselves.

However issue arrises when trying to play video in Android internet browser. The volume controls are nowhere to be found. Is there a way to have those controls come up without affecting other browsers.

This is the code used:

<video width="100%"  controls autoplay loop onclick="">
  <source src="">
  Your browser does not support the video tag.

I had to add CSS to remove Download button as not needed at all (dont think it affects the volume but to complete all code used here it is):

video::-internal-media-controls-download-button {

video::-webkit-media-controls-enclosure {

video::-webkit-media-controls-panel {
 width: calc(100% + 30px); /* Adjust as needed */

The only controll i get on android is video location and full screen: ScreenshotfAndroidPlayer

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