mercredi 31 mai 2017

Django split String from database

I try to split a String from a database (SQLite). The String has a linebreak \n and I want split it there in 2 parts. It works with a normal String for example text = "Hello \n World". But if I use the string from my database it doesn't work (the text is saved correctly with \n in the database!!)

My Code for getting the first part of the string:

from django import template
from products.models import News

register = template.Library()

def get_first_title(id):
    search_value = "\n"
    news = News.objects.values('title')
   title = news.filter(pk=id)
   number = str(title).find(search_value)
   first_title = str(title)[0:number]
   return first_title

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