lundi 24 août 2020

Web API Post Method in Body gives null in Postman

I have Web Api where I have a complex type as parameter. I am passing the parameter in Json format in the Body, but it is always giving error. I tried so many solutions found in google, but nothing worked out.

I have declared a class as below:

public class MyEntities
    public string id { get; set; }
    public string created_at { get; set; }

    public string eventdesc { get; set; }

and I am calling the class in the Controller method as follows:

public HttpResponseMessage DebitPayLoad(MyEntities inps)

And in Postman

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:44354/api/DebitPayLoads' \

    ​"id": "WHN190207164356040UZO12FC2U3F123",   
    "created_at ": "test",
    "event" : "nach.debit.success"


I have an overridden method of OnAuthorization in order to verify a checksum value. I was under the impression that the value is getting null because of this, but when I commented the same and tried, the result was same.

I tried many solutions found in google, but nothing worked out. Any possible fixes?

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