lundi 31 août 2020

How to handle the dynamic cookies when crawling a website by python?

I am a very beginner of Python. And I tried to crawl some product information from my www.Alibaba.come console. When I came to the visitor details page, I found the cookie changed every time when I clicked the search button(icon). I found the cookie was dynamic change. I can not crawl the data in the way I crawled from other pages where the cookies were fixed in a certain period. After comparing the cookie data, I found here were only 3 key-value pairs were changed. I think those 3 values made me fail to crawl the data. So I want to know how to handle such situation.Thanks for everyone's kindly help in advance.

Here please find the 3 values below:

l : eBSJ7_CuQqV04nWaKO5w-urza77t5QdfhsVzaNbMiIncC62fTJpT7ZxQKxmYqd-RJ8XVM9Tw4intcKytXFE3-ykfCAfrAiQ1cqRDdeTC.

l : eBSJ7_CuQqV04bB3KO5w-urza77t2IOfGsVzaNbMiInca6af9FNkxNQ493-DWdtxgt5A0exPDcnX3R3MWkU38x6sI_oCDNsjudpwSe1..

tfstk : cCuABA48RLv00xP-TmKu18lVYknAae5YIswOWBUoWavcAn5dOsXs-2hYZnNNHzdR.

tfstk : cadABAfRO0mc3n7J8KHl5g84L9dAap4AjrsT62Ck67m0OzNassV6tBLArx_aD_3R.

isg : BE9PlywoTAqAZknBokn9RZ-b3uNZdKOW4ECpS2FfDL6tMGkybkbk50RmN2COE3sO

isg : BFRUABMR90vAr2KwbeC25DgyJZLGrXiXZ1kCGu40119i2fAjFL-MJgAf3NHBAbDv

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