mercredi 2 octobre 2019

Login to website perform db query inside the website based on an individual identification number and scrape results out into a dataframe

I have 10 unique individual ids. These are the steps I want to automize:

  1. Login into website with login and password

  2. Take first unique id from a list(dataframe) insert that id into an existing search box INSIDE the website and hit enter

  3. If I have data returned I want to extract that returned data from the website and save it somehow preferably in a new dataframe

  4. Next go to next unique id and do the same -insert it in the existing search box INSIDE the website...- basically iterate over the entire list of 10 ids

  5. Once I have extracted the data for all 10 unique ids I want to search and sort and group any of the returned data on particular keywords(this I think I got)

Can 1-4 be done using straight python and python libs?

Not sure where to even begin

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