I've created a webapp in ReactJS. The client can scan a QR-code with the backcamera of his tablet. I'm using react-qr-reader (https://github.com/JodusNodus/react-qr-reader) wich is a fork of jsQR(https://github.com/cozmo/jsQR).
This libary can read this QR-code but it ain't working perfectly. You have to scan the QR-code right in front of it. When you don't have a flat angle of you're QR-code the library won't recognize it. For my client, it isn't always possible to get a flat angle of the QR-code due height differences.
When you use bankapps that read QR-code this as always fast and working in every angles. Is there a better implementation of reading a QR-code in javascript like these bankapps?
Most of the qr-code readers are forks of jsQR. So they basicly do all the same. (bad angle = no qr-code)
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