mercredi 30 octobre 2019

How do I echo the text that the user entered?

So instead of echo "Invalid specialization entered. Please check your spelling.";

I would like to echo "[THE TEXT THAT THE USER ENTERED] is not a valid spec."

All help appreciated. Tell me if I was not clear and if you need more info.

if (
$spec == "Protection" || $spec == "Arms" || $spec == "Fury" ||
$spec == "Shadow" || $spec == "Discipline" || $spec == "Holy" || 
$spec == "Frost" || $spec == "Fire" || $spec == "Arcane" ||
$spec == "Destruction" || $spec == "Demonology" || $spec == "Affliction" || 
$spec == "Subtlety" || $spec == "Combat" || $spec == "Assassination" || 
$spec == "Restoration" || $spec == "Feral" || $spec == "Balance" || $spec == "Guardian" ||
$spec == "Enhancement" || $spec == "Restoration" || $spec == "Elemental" ||
$spec == "Marksmanship" || $spec == "Beast Mastery" || $spec == "Survival")

    echo "<br>";
    echo "Valid spec entered.";

else {  
    echo "<br>";
    echo "Invalid specialization entered. Please check your spelling.";

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