I write automated tests using SOAPUI free version. I have such format of date which I take from sql database:
2015-11-30 13:38:58.387
I need to convert it to a ormat like:
2015-11-30T13:38:58.387 or 2015-11-30
And deduct one day from it, so that to get the date minus one day.
I tried to use previous-day()
function and substring-before()
(using XPath):
previous-day(substring-before((//*:Results/*:ResultSet/*:Row/*:VALIDFROM/text()), ' '))
But it always gives an error like:
net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException:XPath syntax error at char 87 {../*:Row/*:VALIDFROM/text()..}: Unknown system function previous-day()
Why doen't these functions work?
Thank you
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