jeudi 28 mai 2015

website loads over wifi but not mobile data

Hello I created a quick website last night using html, css, javascript with bootstrap. I am using 000webhost just to host it for now to test the website and all. The link is The website loads perfectly on laptop and on my phone when connected to wifi but once I try to use mobile data I just get an ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error. I tried to use google developer console but there's nothing that seemed to help. I read a couple questions that covered this and followed their advice and still have the same error.

I tried this question: iOS Web page errors over Cellular Data but not over Wifi? Recent change to AT&T Cellular network?

And this one: Web site exhibits JavaScript error on iPad / iPhone under 3G but not under WiFi

Both did not fix the problem. It could definitely be something stupid but I just can't find the mistake. Thanks

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