I'm working on a Japanese website and I'm using the Meiryo webfont. I really like this font but the special characters have too much margin. The exact issue is that there's too much space in front of special characters like 【, which makes the design look off if such a character is the first on a line.
font-family: "ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3","Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro",Osaka,"メイリオ",Meiryo,"MS Pゴシック","MS PGothic",sans-serif;
An image of the issue in my browser: http://ift.tt/1LLMJ4R
My idea to solve this is to write a script that puts every special character in a container which has a negative margin. That is obviously very hacky, and not practical at all, so are there any better solutions, like a different font for special characters only?
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