jeudi 28 mai 2015

web service abstract; cannot be instatiated

Hey I am working on a java dynamic web project. I am using netbeans 8.0.2, and my project is deployed on a glassfish server. I recently had a need to use a web service from the web project I generated using primefaces crud generator. So I wrote a web service by injecting the ejbs whose methods I need. Upon redeployment of the project no problems were encountered and when I tested the web service everything is fine. Now I imported the webservice into a new java application project, but when I try to instantiate the webservice the IDE signals an error, TestWS is abstract; cannot be instantiated, but the TestWS is defined as a public class.

Please can someone help me out this mess. This is my first webservice I am building, I don't even know if I must declare a remote interface for my stateless bean before I would be able to consume the webservice generated from them. Thanks in advance!

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