jeudi 28 mai 2015

How Do I store and display (automatically) stories that users can submit on my website

I'm Making a website for a friend where people will submit stories. These will be short stories, presented on the website with a Title, a "by" section, ideally a picture of the author, and finally the story.

Now I've already got the design of the site up, but this is partly because I know how to use HTML and CSS. Though I know a bit of Jquery, Javascript, PHP, and SQL, I'm at a loss for how I should be saving any of the files and displaying them.

Assuming I want the website to automatically take in any stories, what is the best way to go about doing this? Right now, we have a contact form that would connect to our email where the stories can be sent it... is there a better way to do this so we can somehow just approve the story, then save the story somewhere, then have the website grab the story from where all stories are saved, and finally display it on the website?

If there's any hints or things I can look into that would help me accomplish all of this, I would greatly appreciate it!

Thanks in advance!

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