jeudi 28 mai 2015

Web service written in C# for "Disposable Email Address Detector"

I'm trying to create custom webservice client for "Disposable Email Address Detector" for my ASP.NET web application written in C#. I added Service Reference to my project and successfully generated proxy class and whole configuration using

Below is the code which I use to query web service:

SoapDisposableEmailAddressDetectorClient service_client = new SoapDisposableEmailAddressDetectorClient();
soapContext context = new soapContext();
context.apiKey = "myapikey";
soapDisposableEmailAddressDetectorResult result = service_client.isDisposable(context, "");
Debug.Print("soapDisposableEmailAddressDetectorResult.disposable: {0}", result.disposable);

Unfortunatelly webservice throws HTTP error 400 BAD request.

I decided to test web service using SoapUI, and I also used Fiddler to check what is send to NameAPI webservice from my app.

Below SOAP message generated by SoapUI:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:dis="">

And SOAP message generated by my app:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
  <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <isDisposable xmlns="">
      <context xmlns="">
      <emailAddress xmlns=""></emailAddress>

Below implementation of isDisposable method:

public MyNamespace.NameAPI.soapDisposableEmailAddressDetectorResult isDisposable(MyNamespace.NameAPI.soapContext context, string emailAddress) {
    MyNamespace.NameAPI.isDisposableRequest inValue = new MyNamespace.NameAPI.isDisposableRequest();
    inValue.context = context;
    inValue.emailAddress = emailAddress;
    MyNamespace.NameAPI.isDisposableResponse retVal = ((MyNamespace.NameAPI.SoapDisposableEmailAddressDetector)(this)).isDisposable(inValue);
    return retVal.@return;

The difference is obvious, but how to fix my app to generate proper SOAP message?

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