lundi 30 novembre 2020

Missing font on a SVG logo

I have an SVG logo that has been designed with the Nunito Sans font. The font is showing correctly on the website only if the font is installed on the computer. Please find below the code from the SVG image

<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 501.58 501.58"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#243d62;stroke:#1d1d1b;stroke-miterlimit:10;}.cls-2{font-size:99.93px;fill:#fff;font-family:Nunito Sans;font-weight:700;}.cls-3{letter-spacing:-1px;}</style></defs><title>Logo512x512</title><circle class="cls-1" cx="250.79" cy="250.79" r="250.29"/><text class="cls-2" transform="translate(25.25 279.94)"><tspan class="cls-3">P</tspan><tspan x="64.66" y="0">acAnGO</tspan></text></svg>

I tried to save the fonts on the website but it never worked. As the Nunito Sans belong to Google, is there a way to assign it though a web link? If not what will be the correct code to link the font to the SVG logo? Thanks

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