mercredi 29 avril 2020

What do you need to get a job as a FrontEnd Developer? [closed]

You're answers is much appreciated. If you work as a FrontEnd Developer, I'd like to ask you a few questions?

You answer will help me take a career change decision. You can assume that I know HTML, CSS and basic vanilla JavaScript, little PHP and Photoshop.

1.- What do you need to get a job as FrontEnd Developer? 2.- Do you really need to become an expert in Vanilla Javascript? 3.- How big is job market competition? 4.- Do they really pay what they advertise? ($100k and up?),(I saw $190K/year the other day) 5.- Do you code all by typing or use a software to develop websites?

Thank you so much! Your answer can change people's life!!! :)

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