jeudi 30 avril 2020

Web socket connection does not work over SSL

I have Web Socket that works perfectly fine on localhost and production ( environment.

However, when I deploy the same code to pp environment ( I get WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404

I have AWS certificate manager generated certificate for domain, with additional domain name and and are sitting on different server so they have different ip addresses.

When I go to and make the following call,

let ws = new WebSocket("wss://");

It works perfectly fine.web socket is connected.

However, when I switch to and make the following call

let ws = new WebSocket("wss://");

I get error from Safari, Firefox and Chrome:

WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404

Any ideas?

The code are exactly the same.

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