vendredi 30 août 2019

firebase integration with web

i am working on a project in which some of the nodes are moving and enter into a network of main units. so when nodes are connected to that units , main unit sends a value '0' if disconnected and '1' if connected to the fire base real time database.These are the status of individual nodes, connected to main nodes or not.

Till now i have log in to the console of fire base and make an id there and make a project. After than i go to my command prompt and install firebase and then "login" there and run command "firebase init". After then i created a html code and .js file to send the data over the console. i want a web page which tells us that if node is connected or not.

i tried the code which i am showing here.

         <titile>VANET REALTIME DATABASE ></title>
         src ="">
           <!--value -->
           <pre id ="node1">
           <!--Child -->

           <script src="app.js"></script>
here are my .js file
```` app.js

(function() {
 // Initialization Firebase
  const firebaseConfig = {
    apiKey: "*************************",
    authDomain: "***************************",
    databaseURL: "https://*******************",
    projectId: "van**********",
    storageBucket: "*******************",
    messagingSenderId: "37*************6",
    appId: "1:*********************8"
  // Initialize Firebase
   //get elements
   const preObject = document.getElementById('node1');
   //create referencees
   const dbRefObject = firebase.database().ref().child('node1');

   //sync object changes


my project has node1 which i created manually and feed some value for testing purpose. but when i run the code it doesn't show me any error but when i see on console there is no output which i feeded in node1. i refresh the page. but no change. please help, i think something is missing , but i couldn't debug it. output should be like node1 1

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