jeudi 29 août 2019

Custom search engine indexing pdf files

I'm managing a simple site that is mainly used to browse through organized lists of a lot of PDF documents (all behind a login). Since so much of the site's content is restricted to PDF files I thought it would be really handy if we could add a search function that indexes these and displays search results based on the text inside the documents (or at least shows you the relevant files, ranked in order of "relevance").

The problem is; I have no idea how this would even be done. Are there any open source, or perhaps even google solutions for this? All I want is a little search bar that searches the content of the site, while also taking the content of PDF files into consideration. Type of technology doesnt really matter- I wasnt the one who built the original site , but its simple enough so that I can rebuild it on another platform if needed. Any suggestions or pointers welcome!

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