lundi 29 avril 2019

How to add Background Image for PHP file

How can I add a background image on my PHP file? I want to add an image to the page that thanks my users for subscribing to the newsletter.

I have tried the body background attribute for HTML but it did not work.

  <div class="center">

    /* CONNECTION */
    $database_connection = new StdClass();

    /** MySQL hostname */
    $database_connection->server = '829.23.12.123';

    /** MySQL database username */
    $database_connection->username = 'something_usr';

    /** MySQL database password */
    $database_connection->password = 'KJGAout7L';

    /** The name of the database */
    $database_connection->name = 'database_content';

    $database = new mysqli($database_connection->server, $database_connection->username, $database_connection->password, $database_connection->name);

    if($database->connect_error) {

      echo 'connection failed';

    $stmt = $database->prepare("INSERT INTO Email_Subs (email) VALUES (?)");
    $stmt->bind_param("s", $_POST[email]);

    echo "<div class='jumbotron text-xs-center bg-white'>";
    echo "<h1 class='display-3'>Thank you, you have successfully subscribed!</h1>";
    echo "<p class='lead'>You will be the first to hear about news, events, exclusive stories, and more!</p>";
    echo "<p class='lead'>";
    echo "<a class='btn btn-primary btn-sm' href='index'>Return to Home</a>";
    echo "</p>";
    echo "</div>";




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