mercredi 29 avril 2015

Know about Android Standard Browser page url change events

I want to know the is there any event into Android which fires on "Android standard browser/Default browser" URL change ?(Not on WebView from my application).

When I load some site into Default browser say : and after that I navigate to the other page(done by User interactions e.g. click etc) like : Then is there any event fires ? So that I can use that event to do my task.

My solution : (I have not tried this)

  • Start background service to watch for default browser is opened?
  • If the user enters any url, save this to app memory(may be shared preferences).
  • After some time interval again check the url and compare with the previous saved url
  • If it does not matches call my method to do task. And update current url into app memory

Instead of doing this is their any events / broadcasts are provided ?

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