mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Flash video gets cropped on Safari and Firefox but works fine on Chrome. I have changed then flash parameters, but nothing seems to work.

I have an embedded flash video to record from the users webcam. In chrome the video gets recorded fine but in Safari and Firefox the video seems to be cropped. This is only happening when recording with new webcams. My older computer doesn't have this issue on any browser. These are the current params I have set on the video

var params = {
allowscriptaccess: "always",
bgcolor: "#ffffff",
quality: "high",
menu: true,
allowfullscreen : true

I have attached two images the of the proper way on chrome

This is what the video looks like on chrome

This is what I get when I try to record on firefox or Safari with a new webcam

This is what it looks like on firefox with a new webcam

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