dimanche 28 avril 2019

storing user locally html and json connection

enter code herehelp with the following requirement out of the files shared. to create two separated forms. Each form should correspond to one of the tasks of registering and logging in. You should use localStorage object to store users. Users can register using a unique email address (that is not already saved in the system). For the registration, you must ask twice for the password and check if they match. Users must be redirected to the main page after a successful registration (using window.location.href). If someone try to register using an email address that is already saved in the system, you should generate an appropriate error message and show it to the user so they can enter another email. In the case of password mismatch, an appropriate error message should be generated for the user. Use Bootstrap to create the Register/Login page. You’re free to use any class from Bootstrap such as Modals, Panels, or simply two columns in a row. Remember that after a successful register or login, user must be redirected to the main page. An entry containing the email address of this user must be passed to the main page (using local storage) to keep track of each user individually.

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