vendredi 26 avril 2019

How do I scan my Screen on a sertain field for an image and click on it?

So I'm currently working on a SoundCloud bot wich automatically plays music and write comments on it. Nothing is a problem but pressing this play butten. I tried it with pyautogui. So it presses the playbutton then scrolls down to the next play button and press that one. The problem is that the play buttons are some times more or less away so i can't always scroll down the same amount of pixels to get to the next play button.

So i need a new way to solve that problem and I thought the safest way to provide a smooth working code is to scan my screen for the play button and once it gets detected the mouse moves to it coordinates and press it.

Maybe someone has a better idea or know how to make this done?

Thanks for your help!

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