vendredi 26 janvier 2018

Application Insights pageView.duration compounds

I have a SPA application developed in Aurelia. When I query a session (see query below) I see outrageous duration measurements. The page duration for consecutive pages continues to increase. The time stamp indicates that the pageViews are happening in much less time than the duration indicates. Other sessions work as expected with duration in range when compared to the time stamp.

We are using the following NPM Package in Aurelia for logging to Application Insights:

How can I get the duration to be more accurate?

Example Query

| where timestamp >= ago(1h) and session_Id == "FPVOw" 
| order by timestamp asc

Example Duration Times

timestamp [UTC]         name        duration    performanceBucket
2017-12-28T02:51:46.188 Application 2,934,817   >=5min
2017-12-28T02:51:57.289 Application 2,946,021   >=5min
2017-12-28T02:52:17.852 Application 2,966,581   >=5min
2017-12-28T02:52:21.935 Application 2,970,662   >=5min
2017-12-28T02:52:26.540 Application 2,975,271   >=5min
2017-12-28T02:52:53.082 Application 3,001,815   >=5min
2017-12-28T02:52:58.192 Application 3,006,912   >=5min

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