mardi 30 janvier 2018

What's the effective way for compress URL of 1200-1500 characters?

I have many problematics in this question. I have to compress URI which doesn't have a static architecture then it's hard to do a things like that :




The request are made a little bit in a GraphQL way so we send structure and have answers for this structure. For the moment the compression we use is juste changing some wording which are in all requests (function: is f:, ..). We want to do a generic compression, not something we have to maintain if the architecture change(in the following example we don't want to change quizz.campaign to #12 per example). We do this kind of request one to two times per connection so what is the most expensive between download a library at the connection which will compress my request from 1500 to maybe 300 characters OR do some generic compression like change the [ to ( which will compress from 1500 to 900.

The generic compression could look like something like that:

str.replace(/\*/g, "%#111")
        .replace(/\!/g, "%#222")
        .replace(/\(/g, "%#333")
        .replace(/\)/g, "%#444")
        .replace(/\~/g, "%#555")
        .replace(/\_/g, "%#666")
        .replace(/\'/g, "%#777")
        .replace(/\,/g, "*")
        .replace(/\:/g, "!")
        .replace(/\[/g, "(")
        .replace(/\]/g, ")")
        .replace(/\{/g, "~")
        .replace(/\}/g, "_")
        .replace(/\"/g, "'")
        .replace(/\%#111/g, ",")
        .replace(/\%#222/g, ":")
        .replace(/\%#333/g, "[")
        .replace(/\%#444/g, "]")
        .replace(/\%#555/g, "{")
        .replace(/\%#666/g, "}")
        .replace(/\%#777/g, '"');

The json of a request looks like that:

    "f": "find-qzc-by-id",
    "k": "qzcpn",
    "a": {
        "quizz.campaign/id": "quizz-kdfjdslk"
    "n": [{
        "f": "quizz.campaign/activeQuizzQuestions",
        "k": "quizz.campaign/activeQuizzQuestions",
        "n": ["fanQuestion/id", "fanQuestion/questionText", "fanQuestion/questionType", {
            "f": "fanQuestion/choices",
            "k": "fanQuestion/choices",
            "n": ["quizz.question.choice/bgImg", "fanQuestion.choice/id", "fanQuestion.choice/adminLabel", "fanQuestion.choice/text"]
        }, "bs.model/scid", "bs.model/uiConfig"]
    }, "quizz.campaign/id", "quizz.campaign/gameLogic", "quizz.campaign/quizzConfig", "quizz.campaign/bgImg", "quizz.campaign/previewImage", "quizz.campaign/title", "quizz.campaign/description", "campaign/publicOrganizerName", {
        "f": "campaign/organization",
        "k": "campaign/organization",
        "n": ["org/id"]
    }, "campaign/bsCpnType", "bs.model/scid", "bs.model/uiConfig", "bs.model/bsCustomContent", "bs.time/created", "bs.model/nl"]

Then the encoded request looks like that :


If you think that a library would be the better way for the cost question, do you have some recommandations for compress in js and decompress on the jvm ? Thanks.

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