lundi 29 janvier 2018

For Loop is not looping the numbers i want

i am trying to use forloop as a method to send in multiple data, however, the number that i want to loop is not the one i want to sent in. For example, when i allocated 1 - 5, it only stores in the data 1 - 2. And everytime no matter how many different amount i allocate, it only stores in 2 data, instead of the amount i required. I believe is the method of me looping got error. Please help. @allocate.php

<td width="1%">
$mysqli = new mysqli(spf, dbuser, dbpw, db);
$sql="Select cardno from tvoucher where lol='' order by cardno asc";
$result = $mysqli->query($sql);
    if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
     echo "<select name='cardfrom'>";
      while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
     echo "<option value='" . $row['cardno'] . "'>" . $row['cardno'] . "</option>";
  echo "</select>";
<td width="1%">
$mysqli = new mysqli(spf, dbuser, dbpw, db);
$sql="Select cardno from tvoucher where lol=''order by cardno asc";
$result = $mysqli->query($sql);
    if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
     echo "<select name='cardto'>";
      while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
     echo "<option value='" . $row['cardno'] . "'>" . $row['cardno'] . "</option>";
  echo "</select>";


for ($cardfrom=$cardfrom;$cardfrom<=$cardto;$cardfrom++) 

if ($cardfrom && $staff_name && $session && $allocation_id && $staff_id && $admin_id && $lol && $request_id && $requestnoleft && $requestnoleft>-1)

$mysqli = new mysqli(spf, dbuser, dbpw, db); 
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO allocation 
(cardfrom, staff_name, session, allocation_id, staff_id, admin_id) 
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)");
$stmt->bind_param("ssssss", $cardfrom, $staff_name, $session, $allocation_id, $staff_id, $admin_id);
$result = $stmt->execute();

if ($cardfrom && $lol){
$mysqli = new mysqli(spf, dbuser, dbpw, db); 
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("update tvoucher set lol = '$lol' where cardno='$cardfrom'");
$stmt->bind_param("s", $lol);

if ($requestnoleft && $request_id){
$mysqli = new mysqli(spf, dbuser, dbpw, db); 
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("update request set requestno = '$requestnoleft' where request_id='$request_id'");
$stmt->bind_param("s", $requestno);

if ($result == true && $stmt->affected_rows>0) 
            echo "<b>". $check . "</b><br>";
            echo "<script>window.location = ''</script>";

else    {
            echo '<p>Taxi Voucher has already been allocated</p>';    
            echo '<p>Please <a href="allocation.php">Click Here</a> to return</p>';
echo '<p>Error</p>';    
echo '<p>Please <a href="allocation.php">Click Here</a> to resubmit</p>';


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