I just moved to Nginx from Apache and I'm quite novice. I'm trying to redirect all 404 errors to my index file, done by this:
error_page 404 =200 /index.php;
This rule also returns an HTTP 200 instead of produced HTTP 404. This works as expected excepting that all not found resources are affected by this rule too. For example: images, scripts, etc... This causes the innecessary execution of my index file. I just want to redirect 404 errors generated from innexistent URL paths. For example:
These will be handled by the rule:
These won't be handled by the rule:
<img src='/resources/images/innexistentimage.jpg'/>
<script src='/resources/scripts/innexistentscript.js'></script>
And code may look something like this:
. . . .
location ~* \ [NOT] .(jpe?g|png|gif|ico|js|css)${
error_page 404 =200 /index.php;
. . . .
Thanks in advance
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