I have the string with html markup, an I want to cretae Doc elment from it like this:
Doc.FromHtm "<div><p>.....</p>.....</div>"
As I understand that this is not possible right now. Ok, what is not possible to accurately sew, I tried to roughly nail using jquery:
JQuery.JQuery.Of( "." + class'name ).First().Html(html'content)
But to call this code, I need to specify an event handler for the Doc element. But it is not implemented in UI.Next. I tried to track changes of a model with a given CSS class asynchronously:
let inbox'post'after'render = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun agent ->
let rec loop (ids'contents : Map<int,string>) : Async<unit> = async {
// try to recive event with new portion of data
let! new'ids'contents = agent.TryReceive 100
// calculate the state of the agent
let ids'contents =
// merge Map's
( match new'ids'contents with
| None -> ids'contents
| Some (new'ids'contents) ->
new'ids'contents @ (Map.toList ids'contents)
|> Map.ofList )
|> Map.filter( fun id content ->
// calculate CSS class name
let class'name = post'text'view'class'name id
// change it's contents of html
JQuery.JQuery.Of( "." + class'name ).First().Html(content).Size() = 0)
// accept the state of the agent
return! loop ids'contents }
loop Map.empty )
and then, for example for one element:
inbox'post'after'render.Post [id, content]
But it is too difficult, unreliable and not really working. Please give me an idea how to solve the problem if possible. Thanks in advance!
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