jeudi 27 décembre 2018

VBA code to grab data from a website (ASP.NET)

There's this website:

There's a stock market table that I want to import into my Excel workbook.

I found this code on a website and tried to edit it:

Option Explicit
Sub gethtmltable()
Dim objWeb As QueryTable

Set objWeb = ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add( _
Connection:="URL;", _

With objWeb

.WebSelectionType = xlSpecifiedTables
.WebTables = "1"
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
.SaveData = True
End With
End Sub

I get a message saying that the query returned no data.

Can anyone please help? I'm using the latest version of Excel on an iMac.

There is no "Import data from a website" option.

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